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Who's Who on Jam Session
Everybody who's who on StoneDragon's Jam Session PLAYS GUITAR. (Even CC, though she doesn't play it very well.)
"All of them," you ask?
Yep. Ain't that something?! It's not often you find a guitar site owned, managed, maintained, and run, all by guitar players, is it? Well, welcome to the dedicated. Welcome to Jam Session!
ON THIS PAGE: Moderators, Guitar Experts, Cuttin' Heads Judges, Web Wizards, Managers, Owners

The disgusting stink of a too-loud electric guitar.... now, that's my idea of a good time.
-- Frank Zappa
Under fire on the front lines, Jam Session's moderators are the unsung heroes and heroines who keep Jam Session safe, clean, and the levels below ear-bleed level.
I have been involved in music a good portion of my life. I played trumpet from 6th grade up to my freshman year of college. After several years absence from music. I began to sing in a garage band. We never went anywhere but we had loads of fun every Saturday night for 3 or 4 years. After the garage band burned itself out. I really began to miss singing and making music. At 43 years old, I decided to learn guitar to accompany myself singing. Something that I had always wanted to do but for whatever reason, I never did. I found Jam Session while searching for online guitar lessons. After a year or so of membership, I was asked to help moderate the forum. An invitation that took me by surprise but as much as I enjoyed the site, I was honored to help out. With the help of the Jam Session membership and vast amount of shared guitar/music knowledge available on the site, I am currently learning guitar, bass guitar, programming drum tracks, mixing and recording music. I consider myself a novice at all of the above but gained a sense of fulfillment in my life for what I have a achieved with music. I do it for self enjoyment and also the enjoyment of sharing my talents with other members of the site. It is a pleasure to know you all and I will always be a member for as long as Jam Session continues to exist.
Thank you to all of you my dear friends!
Just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean that they are not out to get you! 
I am learning bass guitar now so I am changing my name from BASSMAN to BASSMAN |
The "Fish", aka Ken started playing guitar at the age of 10 in 1968 (do the math). Ken plays many instruments, including bass, drums, keys even string bass and cello, but guitar is his first love. Through the years, he's done quite a bit of studio work, taught and played in many bands. These days, Ken works mostly as a Web Developer/Programmer and, most importantly, as husband and father to a wonderful family. He doesn't gig much other than the occasional spot studio gig or one-night-stand. Ken's mostly involved in musical theatre, having served as musical director for several shows at the university he works for. He has also written or arranged the music for several musicals which have been produced at the university.
The "Fish" came to Jam Session several years ago and immediately fell in love with this wonderful community of artists. He has a real interest in philosophy, politics, economics and world affairs so he's often seen hanging around in the Mosh Pit making sure that it doesn't get too brutal in there (and he has the occiasional bruise to show for it, too).
gtrhrcane, aka "Gunther Cane", but for the uninitiated, his handle pays homage to his favorite guitar player - Stevie Ray Vaughan, the real Guitar Hurricane.
Having only been playing for 7 years after a late start, he's trying to make up for a lot of lost time. Currently playing in 2 bands, it's what he does. Whether it's good or not is up to the listener...but suffice to say no beer bottles have been hurled his way...yet!
Often self-critical, often out of the loop, and even more often self-deprecating...he'd just as soon help a person out as he would 'mod' the site. However he is very grateful for the home he has been given here at Jam Session despite the occasional frustrations that life has thrown at him.
Playing like he's got a gun to his head and a knife in his back - Lewis Brown (The Epiphanies) |
Our extra special, seriously dedicated guitar guru, JonR teaches music in both Richmond and Ealing, holds a CTMA certificate from Goldsmiths University as well as one in Jazz Performance from Trinity, plays regularly around the UK with various top bands of which he is a member, and, in his spare time, surfs the woodshedding forums, helping guitarists with their music theory and guitar technique. Find out more about Jon Riley HERE. |
Mish has been a guitarist for 20 years and also dabbles in mandolin, flute, cittern, bass and anything else with strings attached. A lifelong career path of artistry and craftistry ( ) took a dramatic turn two years ago when she decided to throw away the paintbrush and take up the chisel- when offline and not doing a thousand other jobs, she can be seen in her workshop trying to craft guitars. Oh- that's one she made earlier in the pic.... Other hobbies are being a mother to three kids, cross country running, cycling, hill walking, textile craft and woodcarving. She's also got a band together and material is being written...... Find out more about Jam Session's mishmannah HERE.
 Stratman50th, wearing his "mod smile."
No bio provided |
No bio provided |
zappatude (you wish you thought of it) AKA Steve. 45 years old and still not a clue. My age means I grew up in the 70s. A great time to discover music. From Zep and Zappa to Jazz Fusion and Punk explosions. Everyone wanted to be in a garage band. So I've been playin' since the late 70's, on and off. It was an 'on' period that led me to Jam Session. Been hangin' round ever since. |
The guys and gals who know guitar inside and out, and hang around to help you. |
Our extra special, seriously dedicated guitar guru, JonR teaches music in both Richmond and Ealing, holds a CTMA certificate from Goldsmiths University as well as one in Jazz Performance from Trinity, plays regularly around the UK with various top bands of which he is a member, and, in his spare time, surfs the woodshedding forums, helping guitarists with their music theory and guitar technique. Find out more about Jon Riley HERE. |
MartinEdwards, luthier
Our resident expert luthier, Martin Edwards has the answers for those of you looking for help customizing or building your own guitar! A student of Sam Irwin, who was one of George Lowden's original Luthiers who went on to be production manager at Avalon, Martin Edwards is the man to talk to on Jam Session. Find him in his Homemade Brew forum on Jam Session, and read more about him and his guitar craft HERE. |
thunder_bird, bass expert
Hello folks,
In real life I go by the name of Alex and use the name 'thunder bird' online because of my love of the Gibosn Thunderbird bass. Ive been playing guitar and bass for over half my life and have been fortunate enough to play with lots of great musicians. Most recently playing bass in a British, ambient, indie band. The band is still going, however is taking a slow course at the mo. I have played in several rock and jazz bands and also played a handful of musicals in the orchestra pit. My favourite aspect of playing bass is being able to hold the bottom end down whilst still being able to listen to all the great music building up over your line. It's great!
Please feel free to PM me with any questions or just wanna chat.
Keepin' the pocket
Our ears that hear, weighing and measuring quality against daring, originality against creativity, here are our contest judges. |
TheReal7, Contest Manager & Chief Justice
No bio provided |
Keith Robertson, judge
With 27 years of experience in playing lead guitar around the Toronto music scene, Keith is a perfect judge for this contest. He's got wide-open ears, a broad range in musical reach, and a balanced judgement that isn't swayed by either emotion or by friendships. Learn more about Keith HERE, and jam to his backing tracks HERE. |
ScottPowell, judge
No bio provided |
zappatude, judge
With a huge range of likes, zappatude, who's been playing since he was in diapers in the 70's, has a solid grip on what's good and what's just so much bad noodling. He's fair, but canny. You just can't fool the "Invisible Man." |
Them who help CC when she totally mucks up the guts and innards...and who KNOW their deep code and programming |
Scott Riley, web wizard
Hey, I'm Scott, I've been known as the Jam Session Jediand, rather touchingly, FndrNO's cookie :).
I'm here to help out with the technical aspects of JS basically, think of me as a cyber version of Doc from Back To The Future, I tinker with stuff and break things until I find something that works.
If JS is my DeLorean, then see that scroller at the top? - That's my Flux Capacitor - i.e. one of the things that worked after I broke everything else
I'm an 18 year-old University Student originally from Liverpool, UK but living in Lancaster where I study Computer Science and Media Technology.
I was first introduced to the world of Guitar around Christmas 2003 and after around 2 years of not taking music seriously at all decided to knuckle down and start taking things seriously.
My guitar playing and musical approach has been greatly influenced by composers such as Danny Elfman, Nobuo Uematsu and Koji Kondo.
'Popular' music wise, my biggest influences as a musican are Tool, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Coheed and Cambria, Funkadelic and Jimi Hendrix.
I am also greatly influenced by 'visual' arts and I'm a massive fan of Tim Burton's books, stories and movies.
Ken is a professional programmer and webmaster who pitches in to help when all hell starts making the walls fall in and CC and Scott run out of extra arms and fingers. |
Without these men, each a rock guitarist in his own right, Jam Session could not exist. To them, we, the owners, owe everything for their dedication and vigilance |
Sixstring, administrator and manager
Handpicked by StoneDragon to administer the forum and site, lead guitarist, lead singer, and occasional bass player Sixstring has been with Jam Session almost as long as Stone. In fact, Sixstring and Stone went to high school, and played in a band together. Kind, but as stern as Stone, Sixstring is the steady, quiet hand on the helm. Sixstring guides, pitching in to help CC figure out the things she hasn't a clue about...like what the heck kind of pick we should order for the Jammers. Learn more about Sixstring HERE |
Keith Robertson, Manager
Keith is another of Jam Session's adminstrators, second only to Sixstring.
A guitarist of 27 years and a member here since 2004, Keith started out as a regular just wanting to further his skills in recording on the computer (Something he never did before joining Jam Session) and just learn and teach all at the same time. Along the way, he was added to the Jam Session Staff by Sixstring and StoneDragon and has been on the team ever since.
Concidering Jam Session as a second home and the members and staff as Family and being a Family man himself, he runs Jam Session like he does his own house. He can be strict and stubborn at times, but he has a soft side too and he cares about the "Family" and what happens in their lives.
Keith always tries to be the confidence builder in people either starting out or getting to the next goal in playing and life. He believes in constructive rather than destructive criticism.
He's here to help and to maintain the peace. And, bring a smile to CyberCobre every once in a while when things get crazy for her. Learn more about Keith HERE, and jam to his backing tracks HERE. |
StoneDragon, founder & owner
Founder of Jam Session in 1999, StoneDragon is a lead guitarist and teacher committed to helping other guitar players learn the instrument, and play their best. He believes that a family-friendly community environment is the best for achieving those goals.
500k by StoneDragon, StoneDragon on guitars
CyberCobre, webmaster, owner, & resident "troll"
StoneDragon's rowdy "other half," CyberCobre is a professional musician ("...Ah, that would be ex-. I quit that stuff when I wised up."), an artist, and a martial artist. She's also the main webmaster who fixes the joint when it's broken...with lots of help from ScottRiley, the web wizard. Says CyberC: "Yeah, that's me. I make the poor moderators sweat when I show up in Open Mic, the Mosh Pit...or anywhere else. I'm not THAT bad -- not really -- just a bit on the feisty side."

StoneDragon's guitar lessons for beginners and theory for the more advanced guitar player.
